Tourist Information

Poland has a moderate climate with both maritime and continental elements.  The hottest month is July with the average temperature standing at 16-19*C. The coldest area in July is the mountains.  Hot days, when the temperature exceeds 25*C, occur from May to September.

Emergency number – 997
The main tasks of the police include guarding the observance of law and prosecution of offenders, as well as ensuring protection and assistance in crisis situations, both with regard to people and property.

Polish currency is the zloty (zł, PLN). One zloty is divided into 100 groszy (1 zł = 100 gr).
Banknotes with the following denominations 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 zł and coins with the following denominations 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 gr and 1, 2, 5 zł are in the circulation.
In 2012, Poland is to join the EURO zone.
ATMs of various networks and banks are popular and easily accessible in larger towns and large agglomerations.


Prices of food articles in Poland are not high, the shopping is cheapest in hypermarkets and at markets, while small shops are slightly more expensive.
Examples of prices of groceries:
Coca Cola 0.5l: PLN 2.5
Coffee: PLN 5–15
Bread: PLN 2–3
Milk: PLN 2.5
Hamburger: PLN 5–10
Water 1.5l: PLN 2–


Tourists travelling in Poland may choose from various types of accommodation. There are hotels ranging from those belonging to the largest world chains to small, family-owned ones.

Guesthouses are also very popular, especially in tourist resorts. Young people often choose hostels or youth (mountain) hostels, where accommodation is cheap, atmosphere loud, and you can often meet people from all over the world.They should check out or, where you can find a database of hostels and other cheap accommodation addressed to the youth, but also to others.

Agro-tourism, i.e. rooms or small lodges offered by farms in villages and small towns, is also gaining importance.There are more and more tourists who value this type of accommodation. It may happen that the guest would share a bathroom with their hosts or eat home-prepared meals.
In the summer season, you can also stay at camping sites.

The Website of the Polish Camping and Caravanning Federation contains a database of almost two hundred well-equipped camping sites.
There are many online systems for booking hotels and other types of accommodation.


01 January-New Year
24 April- Easter
05 April – Easter Monday
01 May- International Workers’ Day
03 May- May-3rd-Constitution Day
23 May – Pentecost
03 June  – Corpus Christi
15 August – Assumption of Mary
01 November  – All Saints
11 November – Polish Independence Day
25 December – Christmas (1st day)
26 December – Christmas (2nd day)

Medical Care

Citizens of other states must pay when making use of medical care services within the territory of Poland. That is why it is recommended that you acquire insurance for the time of travel in the insurance company in your own country.
Emergency ambulance service:
from landlines 999
from mobile phones 112